Rode NT1A plus cradle. perfect working order Location: United Kingdom
125.00 GBP NV
For Sale
Studio Microphone. Rode NT1A with shock mount.
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Extra Information
3-pin cannon connector with cable.
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Random feedback for this seller
Item as described - with some unexpected bonus cables and diagnostic instructions! Your reply: We aim to over-please! and we were meticulous about secure packing.
After a terrible courier didn't manage to deliver the item, it was sent out again only to arrive in pieces. I don't believe it was packed well enough for the item. Luckily I didn't have to pay for it. The seller refunded me in full.
The vendor dispatched the item promptly and the item was received in good condition. No complaints here.
Item received with driver disk, information re source online of latest drivers. Installed and worked first tiem and still works OK