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'Since 1993. The market place for sales of good, used professional audio, broadcast, film, photographic, television, radio and video equipment'
- ITEM 61138, Business Names United Kingdom

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The Company Name of Brighton and Hove Film Studios Limited (registered in England No 04949283) is For Sale.


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Business Names

Item 61138

The Company Name of Brighton and Hove Film Studios Limited (registered in England No 04949283) is For Sale.
Location: United Kingdom

1200.00 GBP  NV

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The company name "Brighton Film Studios" has a very illustrious past and was once the business which owned the Tudor Close Hotel in Rottingdean which became famous for film production. Many stars stayed there and the building itself used as a location, particularly for The Adventures of Jane. More recent contemporaries including Lewis Gilbert and Bette Davis stayed here. The name Brighton and Hove Film Studios (now to include both names, being a city) was then used as a base for the new Brighton Film School when founded by the vendor. This name is now no longer required so will eventually be de-registered with Companies' House which will free it up for availability, but not before finding an interested party.

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