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4 Feb 2025

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Use of web browser cookies on BB List

The law in the UK changed on 26 May 2011 with regard to the use of cookies on web sites. Therefore, we are now required to gain your consent if we wish to use cookies on this website!
We use only a handful of cookies on BB List. We use a cookie to conduct the 'session' process of logging into this website - you cannot log in to BB List unless we are able to set an identifying cookie on your computer. This cookie's only function is to allow us to link your browser to your login session. It is deleted at the end of the session that you are logged into (or until you close the browser or log out)
We occasionally use a cookie to provide simple functions, such as returning to a previous step in an exercise (such as submitting a new listing), or to return to the list of search results after you look at an item. These functions would also not work if we could not store cookies for a short time, the information needed to step backwards. Often these cookies are only stored for one or two pages worth of browsing time, after which they are cleared.
We also use Google Analytics to track website usage. We do not pass any identifying data with our use of Analytics. Analytics will use a cookie to keep track of your session, but at no point in time is there any form of handshake that will allow us/Analytics to link any form of identifying data to the website usage statistics.

Our users have asked us to build a system where the website could remember them between sessions; to do this a long-term cookie has to be used. We have been testing this behind the scenes for a short while but, in view of the legislation, we may have to scrap this feature.

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